Jay Mesinger
AIN Contributor

Jay Mesinger is the CEO and Founder of Mesinger Jet Sales, an international aircraft brokerage firm, and has been regularly contributing to AIN since 2018.

Latest from Jay Mesinger

AINsight: You Can't Pay This for That

For pre-owned business aircraft buying and selling, much of a broker’s value proposition is identifying the bullseye.

AINsight: It’s Just a Hangover, Not the Flu

The government shutdown, stock market volatility, and China trade discussions are unlikely to have a lasting effect on the preowned bizjet market.

AINsight: Getting Creative with Aging Business Aircraft

Older aircraft have fallen out of favor among buyers, but they can offer relatively low cost for a buyer willing to accept some tradeoffs.

AINsight: Taking a Peek around the Market Corner

No one has a crystal ball, but experience gives a clue as to what we can expect.
Maintenance and Modifications

AINsight: Don't Judge a Shop by Its Size

Pre-buys are mission-critical, and both large and small shops can deliver.

AINsight: Industry Preps To Gather at NBAA Convention

The event lends itself to collaboration, discussion, and growth for all involved and those they inform at home.
Finance, Taxes, Insurance

AINsight: People Make the Deal Go Round

Price and terms matter, of course, but they are not the only issues at play.

AINsight: Playing the Hand You're Dealt

While the preowned business jet market has improved, sellers still have to be very careful and thoughtful with their pricing strategy.

AINsight: Curveballs Can Tank a Deal

Accurate information is essential to ensure client confidence, says one broker.
Finance, Taxes, Insurance

AINsight: Preowned Market Experiences Surreal Change

Available inventory has declined dramatically in a short time.

AINsight: 'Sensibly Bullish' on Preowned Market

The current market offers sellers some cause for hope.

AINsight: Words Matter

Clearer words to your customer about the services you provide and the benefits they will gain, the more confident they will be in the process.

AINsight: Off Market Opens Door to Back-to-back Deals

Always ask questions and be vigilant when entering into a contract to sell or buy an aircraft.

AINsight: What Exactly Is an ‘Off Market’ Aircraft?

If an airplane is being advertised, even casually, how can it be off the market? It is either for sale or it isn't.

AINsight Blog: New Outlook for a New Year

Accurate communication, full transparency, and well-articulated milestones will probably be all the magic wand you will ever need.