A safety management system seems difficult to implement for smaller Part 91 operators, but it can be more manageable when viewed in "bite-size" chunks.
Two terms often used interchangeably in aviation are currency and proficiency, but they are not the same and a pilot can be current but not proficient.
Aircraft flown single-pilot are 30 percent more likely to be in an accident, making it important for these pilots to improve their risk-management skills.
Automation reduces workload, creates efficiencies and is highly dependable, but can present pilots with an unexpected, obscure, or highly complex scenario.
Aviation Performance Solutions (APS) hosts an Upset Prevention and Recovery Training (UPRT) Safety Summit for Professional Pilots Worldwide next Tuesday.
Upset prevention and recovery training specialist Aviation Performance Solutions has opened its new 62,000-sq-ft HQ at the Phoenix-Mesa Gateway Airport.
Runway confusion events are often precursors of a runway incursion and potential collision between aircraft, airport vehicles, or construction equipment.
An emerging safety threat identified through incident investigations and flight data analysis points to lower-than-prescribed rotation rates during takeoff
While the utility and popularity of weather apps is impressive, they are no substitute for knowledge of weather required to operate an aircraft safely.