Stuart “Kipp” Lau
Contributor - Safety

Pilot, safety expert, consultant, and aviation journalist Stuart “Kipp” Lau writes about flight safety and airmanship for AIN.

Latest from Stuart “Kipp” Lau


In-flight Smoke Enhanced Vision Display Gets FAA Nod

AR-based system uses oxygen mask with goggles
smoke display system

AINsight: Dark Side of Visual Approaches

Learning from the mistakes of others
Passo Fundo Airport (PFB), Runway

Fixing Notams: At Long Last, Changes Are Ahead

While FAA's notam modernization system has plodded along, Congress has set a deadline for improvements and a users group is testing a better way.
air traffic controllers

AINsight: Now Everywhere, Can AI Improve Aviation Safety?

A simple query about improving aviation safety to ChatGPT yielded 10 solid answers, but they also require critical thinking to delve further.
Artificial Intelligence illustration
Training and Workforce

A Higher Level of Upset Training with APS

APS provides UPRT at a high-altitude in all-attitude aircraft.
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AINsight: Fatal In-flight Upset Poses Important Lessons

Challenger 300/350 pilots should review the airplane's quick reference handbook in light of a recent upset accident in the business jet.

AINsight: Bounced-landing Awareness and Recovery

Pilots should not hesitate to execute a go-around when encountering a bounced landing in a business aircraft.

Part 135 Rest, Duty Regs Review Leads to Calls for Change

A Part 135 rest and duty rules committee is pushing for new regulations that overhauls decades-old rules with a set of science-based regulations.
Phenom 300 at night

AINsight: Blocking & Tackling To Avoid Runway Incursions

Pilots must execute the basic blocking and tackling that supports the planning, communication, and coordination needed to avoid runway incursions.
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Best Practices in Checklist Design Account for Human Limitations

Several accidents have shone a spotlight on the important role human factors play in the development of checklists.
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AINsight: Keep It Clean

The clean aircraft concept ensures that an aircraft is safe for flight in wintry conditions.
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Wyvern Integrates CASS into SMS Program

Integrating a CASS into a safety management system will streamline and simplify workflows, making an operation more efficient, Wyvern says.
aircraft maintenance worker

AINsight: Preventing Runway Excursions a Complex Task

Runway excursions account for one-third of business aircraft accidents and, barring mechanical issues, are preventable.
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AINsight: Adaptations, Groupthink Down Twin Otter

Canada TSB drills down into group dynamics to find root cause of fuel starvation that led to a crash of a de Havilland Twin Otter.
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Checklist Discipline: Avoiding the Simple Stupid Stuff that Kills

Investigators and research have pointed to numerous reasons for lack of compliance with checklist use, but such an approach proves fatal.
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AINsight: Six Feet from Disaster

An incorrect barometric setting on an RNAV (GPS) approach could have fatal consequences without any overt warnings to the crew.
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UPRT specialist APS To Host Online Safety Summit

APS's safety summit to be held November 16 is themed "Transforming Low Experience in High Aviation Safety."
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Flight Data Monitoring Growing in Corporate Flight Ops

Corporate users and vendors of flight data monitoring see an upside in implementing FDM, but say data protections are key to implementation.
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Training and Workforce

AINsight: Cognitive Decline in Aging Pilots

A proposed bill in Congress would raise the mandatory retirement age for airline pilots from 65 to 67 without first examining the effects of aging.
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Finance, Taxes, Insurance

Starr Insurance Launches Safety Partners; APS Among First To Join

Starr Insurance announces a Safety Partnership Program available to Part 91 and 135 business aircraft operators.
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FAA Notam Prohibits Bizav from CPDLC En Route Trial

A September 24 notam prohibits most general and business aviation aircraft from taking part in the CPDLC en route trial due to avionics performance issues.
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Regulations and Government

AINsight: Spin Cycle

The FAA's decades-old thinking on spin training needs a new approach.
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AINsight: A Visual Approach Gone Bad

A visual approach in a large turbine-powered aircraft can be a challenge.
Training and Workforce

CAE Enhanced Recurrent Brings Scenario-based Training to Bizav

CAE's enhanced recurrent training uses data from a variety of sources to bring more realism into simulator-based business aviation training scenarios.
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AINsight: Who’s Responsible for Wake Vortex Avoidance?

For business aircraft pilots, the best tactic to surviving a wake turbulence encounter is to avoid it altogether.

AINsight: Marketing Aviation Safety

A safety management system for operators not only can reduce risk but also expand business opportunities.
Training and Workforce

Virtual reality—The Future of Flight Training

Airlines and commercial operators could reduce expensive new-hire simulator training time using virtual reality technology.
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AINsight: Is It Time for Cockpit Video Recorders?

Cockpit image recording systems have been a hot-button topic for more than 20 years, but the time for the FAA to require them might have arrived.

AINsight: Go-around Minded

Pilots’ failure to recognize the need for and execute a go-around is a threat to flight safety and has been a major cause of approach-and-landing accidents

Assessing the Health of Safety Reporting in Business Aviation

Safety reporting is a critical element in helping prevent accidents, but is business aviation taking full advantage of its benefits?
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