Stuart “Kipp” Lau
Contributor - Safety

Pilot, safety expert, consultant, and aviation journalist Stuart “Kipp” Lau writes about flight safety and airmanship for AIN.

Latest from Stuart “Kipp” Lau


AINsight: Pilot’s Guide To Avoiding Unstable Approaches

Unstable approaches are a popular topic with aviation safety professionals, but rarely do they ever talk about flying the aircraft.

AINsight: SOP Noncompliance a Slippery Slope

Standard operating procedures, which provide a standardized method to complete a task, should always be followed in aviation to help improve safety.

AINsight: Trigger Happy

Operating aircraft within or over a war zone has clearly turned out to be a failure in risk management.

AINsight: Do I Need To Go Around?

NTSB docket on a 2019 crash of a Citation Latitude paints a detailed account of an unstable approach that led to a botched landing and runway excursion.

AINsight: Flight Deck No Place for Political Debates

When you are out flying the line, have a strategy ready to change-up the conversation if it turns political.

AINsight: Genav Automation Comes of Age

Garmin Autoland is brilliantly engineered and demonstrates advancements in avionics, autonomous flight, sensor, and servo technologies.

AINsight: Step Up Pilot Skills During Covid Grounding

Professional pilots can take advantage of this Covid-19-induced downtime to “reset” and re-engage to be better on the backside of this crisis.

AINsight: Pilot’s Survival Guide to a Global Pandemic

Flying is different now. The job is much harder now. It will continue to be different and become more challenging until Covid-19 is contained.
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AINsight: Data-entry Errors Impede Takeoff Safety

Inadvertant data-entry errors in aircraft flight management systems can have dire consequences.

AINsight: Safety Differently, by Learning from the Good

A new approach to aviation safety includes studying what went right, not just what went wrong.

AINsight: Max Fallout and Recovery

The FAA and Boeing can work together to get the 737 Max flying again. Over time, trust and confidence will be rebuilt.

AINsight: Just Culture—Are We There Yet?

Retribution against pilots for an honest mistake holds the potential to interfere with the prevention of future aviation incidents or accidents.

AINsight: LOC-I Crashes Highlight Upset Training Value

Upset prevention and recovery training is as useful for bizav pilots as for commercial pilots.
Training and Workforce

An EPIC UPRT Standard

Guidance on implementing upset recovery programs has been vague, bu APS has set out to change that.
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Training and Workforce

APS Offers UPRT Course for Aviation Inspectors, Regulators

Aviation Performance Solutions has added an upset prevention and recovery training course for aviation safety inspectors and regulatory authorities.

AINsight: Impaired in the Air

Pilots need to be better educated about the risk of prescription and OTC drugs.
Charter & Fractional

AINsight: Putting Part 135 Safety Under the Microscope

The FAA doesn’t hold on-demand operators to the same safety standards or level of oversight as the scheduled airlines, and this is a real problem.

AINsight: A Review of King Air Takeoff Accidents

A review of past King Air takeoff accidents reveals that pilot error, not aircraft issues, were at the root of these mishaps.

AINsight: Future of Aviation Safety and Tech

Technology is a significant player in ensuring the safe experience the traveling public demands.

Airbus takes small narrowbody to next level

Pilot Report: Airbus A220: A clean sheet designed airliner optimized for 100-150 seats.
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AINsight: Takeoff Performance System Errors

Automated takeoff systems require a human check and double check.

AINsight: Airplanes Crash for a Reason

Aircraft accident investigators subscribe to an accident-causation model to explain why airplanes crash.

AINsight: Managing Fatigue in Aviation

Fatigue can defeat the best pilots, procedures, and training—and if not properly managed can become a killer.

AINsight: The Psychology of an Unstable Approach

It is more difficult for pilots to switch tasks during the approach/landing phase of flight, leading them to forgo a go-around during an unstable approach.

AINsight: ASAP Embraces Partnerships To Improve Safety

ASAP is the final program in the aviation industry's safety arsenal.

AINsight: LOSA Provides Insight into Crew Performance

LOSA captures normal pilot line performance and provides a snapshot of the operation.

AINsight: Small Operators Can Improve with Big Data

Using data proactively can enhance safety, even for smaller operators.

AINsight: The Roadmap to Safer Part 91/135 Operations

This series will examine how bizav can benefit from the path airlines have laid out.

AINsight: Notams Are Wall of Text and Bunch of Garbage

Human-factors can improve the dissemination of information.
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AINsight: Is the Captain's Authority Absolute?

The captain has full authority during the flight but not on the ground.