Dr. Robert Sancetta is a former DC-10 captain with 11,000 flight hours. He has worked as a Senior AME since 1993 and is appointed as AME Consultant to the FAA Federal Air Surgeon.
Aviation Medical Examiners now have the ability to upload a pilot’s required medical documentation to the FAA website, saving review time for medicals.
Pilots awaiting FAA letters regarding medical condition reviews need to have some significant patience these days, given the complexities for such reviews.
Pilots should welcome thorough medical exams since it's better to find small problems now rather than wait to turn into big issues that require grounding.
The diagnosis of atrial fibrillation (irregular heartbeats), while disqualifying for pilots, is usually approvable through the special issuance process.
There are some encouraging signs that both the number of cases and the burden of serious disease and deaths due to Covid is finally beginning to decline.
There are confusing messages from the FAA on medical exams during the pandemic, but you should update your medical certificate on schedule, if possible.