Thierry Dubois

Thierry Dubois is a freelance writer specializing in helicopters, business aviation and aerospace technology. He earned a degree in fluid dynamics from an engineering school in Toulouse, France in the mid-1990s. At an unexpected crossroads, he found his first job in journalism. In 1997, he started working for French aerospace weekly Air & Cosmos in Paris. This lasted until 2000, when he moved south to Lyons. He then became a freelancer, working for various aerospace publications and has been part of the AIN team since late 2000. In addition to writing about business aviation, Thierry shares responsibility for the rotorcraft section. He also is a regular on-site writer for AIN’s daily editions at international airshows such as the Paris, Farnborough, Dubai and Singapore shows, as well as at EBACE in Geneva.

In 2007, he won the Honeywell award for “Best systems or technology submission” at the Aerospace journalist of the year awards. In 2013, he won an Aerospace Media Award for the "Best Safety, Training & Simulation Submission."

In other activities, Thierry moderates international conferences on aviation technology topics. Thierry is married and has three children, who seem to begin enjoying the mountains–as their parents do.

Latest from Thierry Dubois

Maintenance and Modifications

Dassault Tweaking Falcon 7X Fuel System, Mx Schedule

There are 218 Falcon 7Xs in service, flying an average 400 hours per year.

Dassault Mulls More Composites on Future Falcons

Falcons beyond the in-development 5X could have a composite wing.

Turbomeca Begins Ground Runs of Engine That Will Power Bell 505 Jet Ranger X

The Arrius 2R features a Fadec and a 3,000-hour time between overhaul.

Russian Helicopters Discloses 2013 Performance

Revenues and earnings were up on the previous year’s figures, but deliveries declined.

Sikorsky S-76D Certified in China

Yunnan Jingcheng Group was first company in China to take delivery of an S-76D, after Chinese authorities certified the helicopter.

Oil & Gas UK Reacts To UK CAA Review

The CAA’s proposed time scale for oil and gas companies is not feasible, says the industry’s lobby group.

Babcock To Take Over Avincis

Parent company of operators Inaer, Bond, Australian Helicopters and Norsk Helikopterservice will belong to Babcock International late this year.

Scandinavian Air Ambulance To Become Part of Avincis Group

SAA founder and CEO Henry Hansen will continue to lead SAA and all Avincis’ emergency services in Scandinavia.
Charter & Fractional

Cayman Islands Helicopters wins helipad appeal

Sightseeing operator Cayman Islands Helicopters and the local CAA have won an appeal against a local business on the legality of a new helipad.
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Sikorsky Proceeds with Sensor-in-the-loop Autonomous Flights

Under its Matrix technology program, Sikorsky is flying an S-76 that can “see” and select a landing spot.
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French HEMS debate heats up around second crewmember

The deadline is approaching for adding a technical crewmember in the copilot seat but a pilot union opposes the hospitals' favored option.
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French Hems Debate Heats Up Around Second Crewmember

The deadline in France is approaching for adding a technical crewmember in the copilot seat but a French pilot union is objecting.

EASA OKs Redesigned Airbus Helicopters EC225 Shaft

Certification of the redesigned vertical bevel gear shaft for the EC225 clears the way for fleet retrofit, especially for offshore operators.

Pratt & Whitney Canada Tests PW800 Demonstrator

The PW800, which uses a core from the larger geared turbofan series, is targeting reduced fuel burn and emissions for large business jets.

Airbus EC145T2 Helicopter Gets EASA Nod

The upgraded version of the light twin received European certification last week.

Sikorsky Preps for Fully Autonomous Flight of Sara S-76

Under Sikorsky’s Matrix technology program, a modified S-76 is to perform a fully autonomous flight in an obstacle-rich environment this year.

Airbus Showcases Airliner-Size Business Jet

With its ACJ319 on display at ABACE, Airbus hopes to lure Asian customers looking for a large VIP cabin.
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Indonesia Is Key Emerging Market in Asia, Manufacturers Say

In 2012, the country’s economy grew at its fastest pace in more than a decade, which makes it fertile ground for business aviation.
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Snecma Sees Open Rotor Decision As Early As 2017

Airframe integration will factor into development go-ahead for 2030 entry into service of Snecma's open-rotor engines.
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Airbus, Avicopter Sign Agreement for 1,000 Helicopters

Airbus views the deal as a "historic ambition" that strengthens its partnership with the Chinese manufacturer.