Gordon Gilbert
Contributor - Accidents and Regulations

Contributor - Accidents and Regulations

Latest from Gordon Gilbert

Finance, Taxes, Insurance

Canada Keeps Aircraft under Luxury Tax Umbrella

Tax is estimated to have caused the loss of 3,800 jobs and $1.1 billion in revenues
Charter & Fractional

FAA Issues SMS Rules for Part 135 Operators

Charter operators will have up to three years to implement a proactive safety system
Pilots flying Embraer Phenom 300

EPA: U.S. Business Jet and Turboprop CO2 Emissions Down 38% since 2005

Emissions fell despite a 23% increase in flight hours
Gulfstream G650 engine

General Aviation Threat Removed at Dublin Airport for Now

Proposed passenger caps no longer apply to general aviation operations at Irish airport
Dublin Airport

KBED Hangar Developers Submit Draft Environmental Report

Project would add 17 hangars and revamp another 18
Regulations and Government

Comment Period Extended on FAA Mx Options Proposal

Agency gives an additional month for comments due to omissions and errors in the NPRM
Finance, Taxes, Insurance

Aircraft May Be Exempted from Canada Luxury Tax

Finance committee says aircraft should not be included in luxury tax

Bizav Fatal Accidents, Fatalities Spike in Q1

Forty-three killed in 12 accidents of business jets and turboprops in first three months

Norwood Memorial Airport Runway Closing for Repairs

Runway 10/28 out of commission until mid-June, but Runway 17/35 remains open

FAA Introduces More Airport Arrival Alert Notices

Arrival Alerts Notices are designed to help avoid pilots from landing on the wrong runway.
Van Nuys

Students To Help in NASA Quesst toward Quiet Sonic Booms

NASA awarded grants for supersonic noise trials
NASA’s X-59 quiet supersonic research aircraft sits on the apron outside Lockheed Martin’s Skunk Works facility at dawn in Palmdale, California.

Preliminary Report Provides Few Clues about Cause of Hawker Fatal

The Hawker 900XP crashed on February 7 in Utah, killing both pilots
NTSB Hawker 900X crash track (Photo: NTSB)

Challenger Fatal: Oil Pressure Warnings Preceded Engine Failure

With exits blocked by fire, the flight attendant led passengers through the baggage compartment door
N823KD Hop-A-Jet Challenger 604
Regulations and Government

FAA Clarifies Part 135 FDR Seating Configuration Regs

The agency is seeing confusion surrounding FDR requirements
Global Express Interior

Bizav Accidents in Canada Nearly Double Year-over-year

Business aviation accounted for more than 14 percent of fixed-wing accidents in 2023
Regulations and Government

New Fuel Efficiency Certification Rules Apply to Bizav

The U.S. rules apply to new type certificates and modified airplanes
New FAA Part 38 rules

Nearly Two-thirds of Comments Support 25-hour CVR Proposal

The longer recording time would help investigators learn more about accidents
The HCR-25 25-hour cockpit voice and flight data recorder

Transport Canada Reissues Shoulder Harness Exemption

Pilots can fly without wearing shoulder harnesses above 10,000 feet
pilots shot

New Year Marred by Three Fatal Business Jet Accidents

Two accidents reportedly involved dual engine flameouts
Regulations and Government

Transport Canada Looks To Update SMS Regs

Change aligns rules to ICAO-recommended standards
Article image

Fatal Business Jet Accidents Climbed Steeply in 2023

Fatalities soared for U.S.-registered jets but decreased for non-U.S.-registered ones
Hawker 800XP resting at edge of runway with door open following an aborted takeoff

NTSB: Unknown Emergency Preceded Meridian Fatal Crash

An investigation did not find mechanical failures
Johnson County Executive Airport in Olathe, Kansas (Photo: Johnson County, Kansas)

No Clues as to Status of Missing GIII

The GIII disappeared off radar seven minutes after taking off from Saint Vincent and the Grenadines
Canouan Airport (Photo: Saint Vincent and the Grenadines)

UK AAIB: Multiple Factors Led to Challenger Accident

Slow airspeed and strong crosswind led to mishap

GAO: ‘Mixed Progress’ for FAA’s NextGen Plan

A new report shows the agency has missed milestones in its ATC modernization plan
Air traffic control tower cab

FAA Proposes Increase in CVR Recording to 25 Hours

Rule would not expand CVR applicability in the general aviation fleet
The HCR-25 25-hour cockpit voice and flight data recorder

FAA Revises Safety Alert on 5G Interference

Update encourages operators to upgrade to 5G-resistant radar altimeters

AOPA: General Aviation Accident Rate Declines in 2021

Total accidents rise, but so do overall flight hours

NBAA Forms Runway Safety Group

Group will explore recent incursions and other safety events
The path of a  Hawker 850XP attempting to take off from Houston Hobby Airport before it collided with a Cessna Citation Mustang. (Image: National Transportation Safety Board)

NTSB: Crew Ignored Instructions from ATC in Houston Bizjet Collision

A Raytheon Hawker 850 hit a Cessna Mustang landing on a crossing runway
Image from NTSB report showing paths of aircraft in accident