Singapore Air Show 2006

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Avast maties, maritime cops are flying our way

As an aid to combating piracy in this region, Alenia has offered the Malaysian Maritime Enforcement Agency (MMEA) the use of two previously owned ATR 42 MP

SIA’s cockpit paper replaced by Collins EFB

Singapore Airlines is to replace its paper-intensive manual processes with Rockwell Collins eFlight electronic database and document management services.

Elta offers salt and freshwater activation for its new 406S ELT

According to French electronics company Elta, its new ADT406S emergency locator transmitter is not only the first to pass the most recent, more stringent s

Local firm helping clear mines

As a choke point, the Malacca Straits must present a difficult challenge to those who may be tasked with finding mines, but the Mark 8X expendable mine des

Snecma to build CFM56 shop due to India growth

Snecma Services is looking forward to establishing a new CFM56 engine maintenance, repair and overhaul (MRO) shop in India.

Jepp teams with CMC on new EFB

An alliance between Jeppesen  and CMC electronics will integrate Jepp’s software, data and applications into CMC’s second-generation PilotView class 2

Heart of P&W’s new geared turbofan on view

The planetary gearbox on Pratt & Whitney’s Asian Aerospace stand (A909), may not look very exciting, but it could represent the future of aircraft propulsi

Asia/Pacific forces consider their AEW&C system options

With Singapore considering an E-2C replacement, and other regional air forces yet to buy their first airborne early warning & control (AEW&C) aircraft, yes

S’pore takes the netcentric challenge

Significant local progress in network-centric military operations was reported here Monday at the C4I Asia conference by Singapore defense officials.

First international Apache deployed in Asia

The Republic of Singapore Air Force (RSAF) AH-64D Apache Longbow multirole combat helicopter prominently displayed at the entrance to Hall A is one of six