Safran Aircraft Engines



Superjet has full power as SaM146 is certified

Powerjet received European Aviation Safety Agency (EASA) certification for the SaM146 turbofan on June 23.

SaM146 Gains EASA Certification

The Powerjet SaM146 received its EASA certification yesterday, June 23, some six years after Snecma of France and Russia's NPO Saturn founded the joint ven

Sukhoi Superjet 100 completes cold-soak trials

The third Sukhoi Superjet 100 (S/N 95004) has com

Fourth Superjet 100 Flies on Borrowed Powerjet Engines

Sukhoi Civil Aircraft (SCAC) managed to fly the fourth prototype of the
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With engines running, Superjet poised for flight

The Powerjet SaM146 turbofan chosen to power the Sukhoi Superjet 100 finished the first phase of flight testing on the program’s Ilyushin Il-76LL testbed e

First engine runs on Superjet 100 are imminent

Sukhoi Civil Aircraft hopes to make the first engine runs on its PowerJet SaM146-equipped Superjet 100 this week as it awaits authorization to begin flight

Safran subsidiaries also are aboard the Russian RJ

Snecma’s half share in the PowerJet SaM146 turbofan may represent the Safran Group’s biggest contribution to the Sukhoi Superjet project.

SaM146 ready to power new Sukhoi Superjet

The PowerJet SaM146 turbofan that France’s Safran is showing in scale model form here at the Dubai Air Show (Stand W510) represents not just the applicatio

Sum of Superjet’s parts more than an airplane

The simulator for the PowerJet SaM146 engine destined to power the Superjet 100 regional airliner had recently arrived at the Sukhoi Civil Aircraft (SCAC)

Franco-Russian engine tests slated to start late this month

The Franco-Russian Powerjet SaM146 turbofan engine, which is to power the Sukhoi Superjet 100 regional airliner, is set to fly by the end of this month.