


Bell Pilot on Flying the 525 Relentless Fly-by-Wire Helicopter and Program Update

The 525 is the first civil fly-by-wire helicopter.
Bell 525 flying near oil drilling platform

Bell Approves GE Rotor Analysis Diagnostic System

Track and balance and diagnostics system can be used on new-technology rotorcraft
Bell commercial helicopters approved for GE RADS-NG

Bell Sees 'Strong Path Forward' To 525 Certification

Company's largest helicopter has been delayed at the finish line
Bell 525 at the company's booth at Verticon

Bell Debuts Upscale Interiors for 407 GXi

Upgrades represent the newest addition to the company's designer series catalogue
Bell 407GXi interior in grey

Cash Crunch Forces Consolidation among eVTOL Contenders

Lilium, Volocopter, and Airbus all now appear to be out of the advanced air mobility running
Joby eVTOL in New York City

VAI Honors Industry Veterans for Lifetime Achievement

Awards will be presented at Verticon 2025 in March
Attaway, René Closter, Thierry Couderc, and B. S. Singh Deo

New Rotorcraft: More of the Same with Some Surprises in Store

Manufacturers are looking at all sorts of technologies while serving existing markets
Airbus Racer

U.S. Army FLRAA Program Boost Bell’s Revenues in 2024

2025 growth expected despite forecast of squeeze on operating margins
Future Long Range Assault Aircraft (FLRAA)

Subaru Bell 412EPX Certified by EASA

European operators can now fly the helicopter in EU countries
Subaru Bell 412EPX helicopter
Maintenance and Modifications

GPMS Gains Additional Helicopter HUMS Distribution

Data from health and usage monitoring system helps helicopters fly safely
GPMS Foresight MX HUMS