Content Archive: September 2007


French helo EMS pilots demand new contract

Pilots flying helicopters for the French hospitals’ emergency medical services went on strike twice recently to protest low wages and long hours.

Business Aviation gathers momentum in Latin America

Before the naysayers look askance at business aviation in Latin America and suggest that recent years of growth were something of an anomaly, they might co

Eurocopter takes a fresh look at composite manufacturing

Eurocopter is considering introducing fiber placement for helicopter composite fuselage manufacturing as a way to replace manual lay-up and reduce costs by

CDAs may migrate to bizav sooner rather than later

With global shipping giant UPS leading the way, business jet operators may soon be able to take advantage of the latest GPS-based navigation system that al

Sensis concept targets runway incursions

Honeywell and Sensis demonstrated in August a concept of providing automated, individual voice warnings to pilots about to fall prey to a runway incursion

UVair Offering Fuel Data Via FlightAware

Information from UVair, including fuel pricing and domestic location acceptance, is now available to operators via FlightAware’s flight-tracking service.
Cabin Interior and Electronics

New Learjet Table Designed by Stevens

Stevens Aviation (Booth No.

Excelaire Expands Facilities

ExcelAire has expanded its facilities at Islip MacArthur Airport in Long Island, N.Y., with the acquisition of a 110,000-sq-ft FBO.