Singapore Air Show 2008

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First engine runs on Superjet 100 are imminent

Sukhoi Civil Aircraft hopes to make the first engine runs on its PowerJet SaM146-equipped Superjet 100 this week as it awaits authorization to begin flight

First KC-767 delivered to Japan as U.S. KC-X decision comes due

Boeing delivered the first of four KC-767 Tankers to Japan yesterday, 15 months behind schedule.

BA609 certification effort shifts into a higher gear

Bell/Agusta Aerospace engineers working on the BA609 Tiltrotor have stepped up their certification efforts and now plan more than 100 hours of flight testi

Bell outlines progress on its key projects

Bell Helicopter announced upgrades for the in-service 206L LongRanger and the Model 407 and 412 during a press conference here Monday.

Embraer airs its 20-yr expectations

Paced by China, commercial air traffic demand in the Asia Pacific region will grow faster than any other region in the world over the next 20 years, accord

B777 crash reveals fault in checklist

The UK air accidents investigation branch (AAIB) has issued a safety recommendation calling for Boeing to notify all 777 operators that they should change

Local company develops system to counter FOD

Singapore-based advanced technology and e-systems developer Stratech Systems (Stand No.

Embraer C-390 would serve Asia well

Since April last year, when Embraer revealed that it is studying the possible development of a military transport aircraft, the world has awaited further n

XP-1 patroler is on target for delivery

Kawasaki Heavy Industries aims to deliver the first XP-1 fixed-wing maritime patroller to Japan’s defense ministry by the end of this year.

India’s fighter shootout has the world’s eye

The technical and technology transfer bids for one of the biggest-ever fighter deals of recent times are due for delivery in 11 days time.