Paris Air Show 2007

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Northrop Grumman selects own radar for BAMS entry

Northrop Grumman has selected the Multi-Function Active Sensor (MFAS) radar from the corporation’s Electronic Systems division to equip its entry in the BA

Eurofighter can penalize suppliers

Eurofighter GmbH has finally been empowered to write real subcontracts with penalty clauses for Typhoon production with the four partner airframe companies

Avianca Places $500M CFM Engine Order

Adding to impressive sales tallies announced here this week, engine maker CFM said it landed South America’s Avianca as a customer for the CFM56B-5B engine

German Airline Picks IAE Power for A320s

Germany’s Blue Wings has selected IAE International’s V2500 engine for 20 Airbus A320s on order.

Singapore Airshow: casual dress urged

Visitors to next February’s Singapore Airshow–35,000 professionals is the organizers’ target–will find a spanking new show site and a relaxed atmosphere to

Issues abound in expansion of UAV missions

The number of unmanned air vehicles in our skies is growing fast, but there are many regulatory and doctrinal issues to resolve, before UAVs and their grou

Boeing hi-tech research has many irons in the fire

Hummingbirds are incredibly aerobatic, can hover, fly backward and can even hover and fly upside down.

Airbus takes need for job cuts to its workers

Desperately keen to present a positive image here at Le Bourget following the past two years’ industrial troubles, Airbus is working to ensure the support

First Phenom sees light of day

Embraer rolled out the first Phenom 100 very light jet at its headquarters in São Jose dos Campos, Brazil, on Saturday, marking the completion of the airpl