Gulfstream GIV/GIV-SP/G300/G350/G450

Latest News

Finance, Taxes, Insurance

BAAFEx Show Rides Asia’s Rising Business Aviation Tide

Business Aviation Asia Forum & Expo is taking over the mantle from where ABACE left off
BAAFEx stage opening

Preowned Gulfstream Bizjet Sales Climb 20% in 2024

G550 was the top seller in the used Gulfstream marketplace among the 10 models tracked
Article image
Cabin Interior and Electronics

Starlink Connectivity Reaches Gulfstream GIV Fleet

STC approval was granted in late August
Business Jet - Starlink
Maintenance and Modifications

FAA Clears ExecuJet Haite For Gulfstream and Embraer Checks

Extended approval covers G450, G550, G650 and Lineage 1000 jets
Gulfstream G450 jet in ExecuJet Haite Tianjin facility
Charter & Fractional

SkyShare Reduces Rates for PC-12 Fractional Owners

Entry-level pricing now starts at $220,000 for a 1/16 share in the single turboprop
SkyShare fractional ownership program
Maintenance and Modifications

FAI Technik Approved to Maintain Nigerian Business Aircraft

Nigerian Civil Aviation Authority issued aircraft maintenance approval to German company
FAI Technik gets Nigerian aviation maintenance organization approval

Engine Failure Leads to Improved Inspection Process

Cracks occurred in an area that can't be seen without removing the spinner
NTSB report Rolls-Royce Tay engine damage from spinner separation
Maintenance and Modifications

Quiet Technology Delivers 500th Inlet Cowl Upgrade

Carbon-fiber barrels for HTF7000- and PW300-series engines eliminate corrosion issues
Quiet Technology Aerospace
Cabin Interior and Electronics

True Blue Power Converter Approved for Gulfstreams

Unit weighs 30% less and offers 15% more power compared with those it replaces
True Blue Power TFC4000 frequency converters installed in Gulfstream jet

NOAA Places Order for Second Gulfstream G550

Jets will be outfitted with a bevy of atmospheric sensors
NOAA special-mission equipped Gulfstream G550
